Air freight

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Conteneur maritime Madagascar

Imports: EU-Madagascar agreement amended as of 01/01/2023

As of 1 January 2023, under the Economic Partnership Agreement signed with the EU and the Eastern and Southern African States (ESA), Madagascar will abandon EUR.1 and approved exporter status.

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Transport aérien et conteneurs maritimes

1 January 2023: merger of the activities of DIMOTRANS Overseas and QUALITAIR&SEA

The overseas and customs activities of DIMOTRANS Overseas and QUALITAIR&SEA will be combined from 1 January 2023.

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Aerial view of container cargo ship in sea.

CUSTOMS: From 1 January 2023, the GSP will be suspended for certain categories of products from India, Indonesia and Kenya

From 1 January 2023, the GSP will be suspended for certain categories of products listed below from India, Indonesia and Kenya.

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International transport: update on the situation in Ukraine

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War in Ukraine – Impact on international trade

Airspaces closed, flights to Asia suspended, restrictions on imports/exports

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Update on trade with Ukraine

Latest information on the impact of the conflict on trade with Ukraine : road, air & sea transport, customs.

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